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Manufacturing Solutions Center

Our Mission

The mission of the Manufacturing Solutions Center is to help US manufacturers increase sales, improve quality and improve efficiency to create or retain jobs.

This is accomplished by:

  • Enhancing and improving products through research and development
  • Creating prototypes for new, innovative offerings
  • Analyzing new materials to enhance structure and programs
  • Testing products for reliable content and quality
  • Training personnel for lean manufacturing processes and supply chain efficiencies
  • Providing a forum for rollout of new 21st century technologies
  • Providing hands-on guidance for international marketing, sales and military procurement
  • Providing photo-realistic renderings and visualizations
  • Advocating Industry
  • Aiding entrepreneurs in success

The Manufacturing Solutions Center is part of Catawba Valley Community College, working to have a positive economic impact on our community, our region, and the entire country. We work with traditional manufacturers, as well as with manufacturing start-ups helping to provide solutions to problems and move companies forward.

The US manufacturing base has shrunk, as other parts of the world with lower labor costs, fewer regulations, and stronger support services have attracted production once based in the U.S. However, unstable supply chains have made many companies rethink their production strategies and reconsider domestic production.

Manufacturing remains critical to our country’s success. Companies with superior products and savvy marketing strategies are growing. The Manufacturing Solutions Center is a facility where innovative concepts may be put through design, or the research and development processes. It's where products and prototypes are tested; manufacturing processes are fine-tuned and accurate cost and product studies are performed. These services are all available to manufacturers to help them stay at the forefront of their industry.

The result is a value-added product and company that is competitive in a world marketplace. Manufacturing Solutions Center is the vision for a 21st century economy that builds on strengths...strengths of America's manufacturing successes.